Original watercolour drawings on 300gsm paper
For any enquiries, fill the form at the bottom of the page with the title of the drawing (s)
Dessins originaux aquarelles sur papier 300 grammes
Pour toute information, remplir le formulaire en bas de page avec le nom du/des dessin(s)
"Fille de la côte" 21x28cm (8'x11')- AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"Little Angy" 15x21cm-SOLD (vendu)
"The author" 14x21cm-SOLD (vendu)
"After the show" 14x18cm-SOLD (vendu)
"Seaside surprise" 21x28cm (8'x11') Available (disponible)
"Bubbly it is" (Pencil pen 15x21cm) / (Dessin au crayon 15x21cm)
"Princess A" 21x28cm (8'x11')- AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"Dark secrets" 21x28cm (8'x11') Photo1 AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"Sexy Tuesday" 21x28cm (8'x11') Photo1 AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"Skater dress" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') Photo1 AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"Satin noir" 21x28cm (8'x11') AVAILABLE (disponible)
"Guinness resolution" 12x21cm AVAILABLE (Disponible)
"La secrétaire" 21x29cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Birthday surprise" 21x28cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Patricia's night" 15x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Burlesque délirium" 27.5x21cm-SOLD (Vendu)
"Champagne baby" 17.5x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Take a piece of my heart" 14.5x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Burlesque touch" 15x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"Miss party animal" 21x28cm (8'x11') -SOLD (Vendu)
"Winter tailleur" 15.5x21cm 6''x8') -SOLD (Vendu)
" Demoiselle d'honneur au champagne" 14x21cm (5'x8') -SOLD (Vendu)
"Le jardin" 20.5x21cm-SOLD (Vendu)
"Carry on" 13.5x21cm-SOLD (Vendu)
"The break-up" 13.5x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
"New in town" 15x21cm -SOLD (Vendu)
Può dirci la direzione per il casinò? 21x28cm (8'x11')- SOLD-
"Secret garden" 21x28cm (8'x11') -SOLD (vendu)
"Naughty Patty" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') -RESERVED (Réservé)
"Pub angel" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') Photo1 -SOLD-(vendu)
"Double trouble" 21x28cm (8'x11')-SOLD-(vendu)
"Bella donna" 21x28cm (8'x11')-SOLD-(vendu)
"Entre deux mondes" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') SOLD (vendu)
"La Catrina"14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') SOLD (vendu)
"Red leasure" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') SOLD (vendu)
"A la mer" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') SOLD (vendu)
"Cantante" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') -SOLD-(vendu)
"Burlesque días" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') -SOLD-(vendu)
"Un ange passe" 14.8x21cm (5.5'x8') -SOLD-(vendu)
"Gossip in the air" 19x21cm -SOLD (vendu)
"The waitress" 21x28cm (8'x11') -SOLD (vendu)
"Pink and cool" 14x21cm (5.5'x8.2') SOLD (vendu)
"Petit ange" 21x28cm (8'x11') SOLD (vendu)
"Miss evasion" 14x21cm -SOLD/VENDU
"La grande tournée" 21x28cm -SOLD/VENDU
"Seaside fun" 21x28cm -SOLD (vendu)
"Trouble starter" 21x28cm (8'x11') SOLD (vendu)
"Gourmandise" 21x28cm -SOLD (vendu)
"In the mood for mischief" 21x28cm- SOLD (vendu)
"Sleeping mermaid" 21x28cm-SOLD/VENDU
"Red danger" 21x28cm -SOLD/VENDU
"Black lace" 21x28cm (8'x11') Photo1 -SOLD/VENDU
"Cocktail ladies" 21x28cm (8'x11')-SOLD- (vendu)
"The great escape" 21x28cm-SOLD/VENDU
"Killing time" 16x24cm -SOLD-
"Flawless" 16x24cm -sold-
"No remorse" 21x28cm-SOLD-
"Strippy girl" -SOLD-
"La balançoire" -SOLD-
"Happy hour" -SOLD-
"Vamp fatale" -SOLD-
"Idylle de Champagne" -SOLD-